New Patient Orientation
Free Wellness Seminar
Save your spot for our next class on hormones and healthy living. During the event you will learn:
What Hormone Replacement Therapy Is
Why It’s So Important To Your Health
Why So Many Say After Treatment That It Changed Their Lives
Wellness Event Details
When – 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at 6pm
Where – Join in from your laptop/desktop via Zoom
Who – Lead by Revelation’s own, Dr Mark Hechler
Why – If you are thinking about starting hormones, this is the most comprehensive session you can join to learn about treatment prior to making an appointment
What – You will learn the science that explains the power behind hormone replacement. See below for more details
It Takes a Village
Sure, our physicians treat the patient, but every member of our team is involved in your care. We are passionate about helping people. We are passionate about being healthy. And we extend that passion to our patients. We are one big family and we can’t wait to include you as new member of our family!
During This FREE Event You Will:
Learn about hormones
We will break down the various hormones your body produces when you are young and explain why, as you age, your body suffers from a lack of the hormones it needs. As a result, you will feel fatigue, brain fog, low sex drive, poor sleep and probably some weight gain.
How hormone optimization affects your long-term health
Most traditional doctors don’t understand the risk of poor hormone production on the body, so they don’t properly educate their patients. In this class, you will learn how important hormones are to shield you from potential age onset diseases.
Understand the hype behind the controversy
There is some controversy around hormone optimization. Most of it stems from misunderstanding of the science and the treatment. We will explain how the “bad rap” started and why it continues to this day.